Below are lists of peer-reviewed publications, other publications, and conference abstracts for the Sori Research Group. Bold text represents an author from the research group – PI Sori or a graduate student, undergraduate student, or postdoctoral researcher under his advisement.
The CV of PI Mike Sori can be downloaded here (current as of Feb 14, 2025).
Peer-Reviewed Publications
[47] Pamerleau, I.F., M.M. Sori, and J.E.C. Scully (2024), An ancient and impure frozen ocean on Ceres implied by its ice-rich crust, Nature Astronomy 8. Featured in Nature Astronomy News & Views and Nature Research Highlights.
[46] McGlasson, R.A., M.M. Sori, A.M. Bramson, and D.E. Lalich (2024), Radar sounding reveals common evolutionary history between the north polar layered deposits and outlier deposits on Mars, Geophys. Res. Lett. 51, e2024GL109057.
[45] Menten, S.M., M.M. Sori, A.M. Bramson, T.A. Nordheim, and R.J. Cartwright (2024), Volatile transport on Ariel and implications for the origin and distribution of carbon dioxide on Uranian moons, J. Geophys. Res. Planets 129, e2024JE008376. Chosen as Editor's Highlight.
[44] Nichols-Fleming, F., A.J. Evans, B.C. Johnson, and M.M. Sori (2024), Moment of inertia and tectonic record of asteroid 16 Psyche may reveal interior structure and core solidification processes, J. Geophys. Res. Planets 129, e2024JE008291.
[43] Wagner, N., P.B. James, A.I. Ermakov, and M.M. Sori (2024), Evaluating the use of seasonal surface displacements and time-variable gravity to constrain the interior of Mars, J. Geophys. Res. Planets 129, e2023JE008053.
[42] Sori, M.M., I.T. Lawrence, K. Izquierdo, and D.E. Granger (2024), Implications of MOLA topography on the presence of liquid water under the south polar cap of Mars, Icarus 416, 116083.
[41] Izquierdo, K., M.M. Sori, B. Checketts, I. Hampton, B.C. Johnson, and J.M. Soderblom (2024), Global distribution and volume of cryptomare and visible mars on the Moon from gravity and dark halo craters, J. Geophys. Res. Planets 129, e2023JE007867.
[40] Cashion, M.D., B.C. Johnson, H. Gibson, E.P. Turtle, M.M. Sori, and H.J. Melosh (2024), Europa's double ridges produced by ice wedging, J. Geophys. Res. Planets 129, e2023JE008007.
[39] McGlasson, R.A., A.M. Bramson, G.A. Morgan, and M.M. Sori (2023), Varied histories of outlier polar ice deposits on Mars, J. Geophys. Res. Planets 128, e2022JE007592.
[38] Bramson, A.M., L.M. Carter, G.W. Patterson, M.M. Sori, G.A. Morgan, L.M. Jozwiak, C.A. Nypaver, and J.T.S. Cahill (2022), Burial depths of extensive shallow cryptomaria in the lunar Schiller-Schickard region, Planet. Sci. J. 3, 216.
[37] Menten, S.M., M.M. Sori, and A.M. Bramson (2022), Endogenically sourced volatiles on Charon and other Kuiper Belt Objects, Nature Communications 13, 4457.
[36] Egea-Gonzalez, I., P.C. Lois, A. Jiménez-Díaz, A.M. Bramson, M.M. Sori, and J. Ruiz (2022), The stability of a liquid-water body below the south polar cap of Mars, Icarus 383, 115073.
[35] Dickson, L.H. and M.M. Sori (2022), The origin of mascons on Ceres as constrained by crater morphology, Icarus 382, 115024.
[34] Sori, M.M., P. Becerra, J. Bapst, S. Byrne, and R.A. McGlasson (2022), Orbital forcing of Martian climate revealed in a south polar outlier ice deposit, Geophys. Res. Lett. 49, e2021GL097450.
[33] Castillo-Rogez, J., M. Neveau, V. Vinogradoff, K. Miller, M.M. Sori, F. Tosi, B. Schmidt, K. Hughson, C. De Sanctis, H. McSween, J. Scully, L. Quick, K. Otto, K. Krohn, G. Thangjam, A. Ermakov, P. Schenk, A. Nathues, and C. Raymond (2022), Science drivers for the exploration of Ceres: From Solar System evolution to ocean world science, Planet. Sci. J. 3, 64.
[32] Castillo-Rogez, J., J. Brophy, K. Miller, M.M. Sori, J. Scully, L. Quick, R. Grimm, M. Zolensky, M. Bland, D. Buczkowski, C. Raymond, A. Hendrix, T. Prettyman, Y. Sekine, T. Titus, D. Williams, P. Backes, L. Barge, A. Ermakov, S. Moreland, and K. Zacny (2022), Concepts for the future exploration of dwarf planet Ceres' habitability, Planet. Sci. J. 3, 41.
[31] Nichols-Fleming, F., A.J. Evans, B.C. Johnson, and M.M. Sori (2022), Porosity evolution in metallic asteroids: Implications for the origin and thermal history of asteroid 16 Psyche, J. Geophys. Res. Planets.
[30] Cartwright, R.J., T.A. Nordheim, D.R. Decolibus, W.M. Grundy, B.J. Holler, C.B. Beddingfield, M.M. Sori, M.P. Lucas, C.M. Elder, L.H. Regoli, D.P. Cruikshank, J.P. Emery, E.J. Leonard, and C.J. Cochrane (2022), A CO2 cycle on Ariel? Radiolytic production and migration to low latitude cold traps, Planet. Sci. J. 3, 8.
[29] Izquierdo, K., M.M. Sori, J.M. Soderblom, B.C. Johnson, and S.E. Wiggins (2021), Lunar megaregolith structure revealed by GRAIL gravity data, Geophys. Res. Lett. 48, e2021GL095978,.
[28] Cartwright, R.J., C.B. Beddingfield, T.A. Nordheim, C.M. Elder, J.C. Castillo-Rogez, M. Neveu, A.M. Bramson, M.M. Sori, B.J. Buratti, R.T. Pappalardo, J.E. Roser, I.J. Cohen, E.J. Leonard, A.I. Ermakov, M.R. Showalter, W.M. Grundy, E.P. Turtle, and M.D. Hofstadter (2021), The science case for spacecraft exploration of the Uranian satellites: Candidate ocean worlds in an ice giant system, Planet. Sci. J. 2, 120.
[27] Schaefer, E.I., C.W. Hamilton, C.D. Neish, M.M. Sori, A.M. Bramson, and S.P. Beard (2021), Reexamining the potential to classify lava flows from the fractality of their margins, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth 126, e2020JB020949.
[26] Sori, M.M. (2021), Can Triton's internal heat be inferred from its ice cap? Geophys. Res. Lett. 48.
[25] Johnson, B.C. and M.M. Sori (2020), Landslide morphology and mobility on Ceres controlled by topography, J. Geophys. Res. Planets 125, e2020JE006640.
[24] Scully, J.E.C., P.M. Schenk, J.C. Castillo-Rogez, D.L. Buczkowski, D.A. Williams, J.H. Pasckert, K.D. Duarte, V.N. Romero, L.C. Quick, M.M. Sori, M.E. Landis, C.A. Raymond, A. Neesemann, B.E. Schmidt, H.G. Sizemore, and C.T. Russell (2020), The varied sources of faculae-forming brines in Ceres' Occator crater emplaced via hydrothermal brine effusion, Nature Communications 11, 3680.
[23] Park, R.S., A.S. Konopliv, A.I. Ermakov, J.C. Castillo-Rogez, R.R. Fu, K.H.G. Hughson, T.H. Prettyman, C.A. Raymond, J.E.C. Scully, H.G. Sizemore, M.M. Sori, A.T. Vaughan, G. Mitri, B.E. Schmidt, C.T. Russell (2020), Evidence of non-uniform crust of Ceres from Dawn's high-resolution gravity data, Nature Astronomy 4, 748–755.
[22] Hamilton, C.W., S.P. Scheidt, M.M. Sori, A.P. de Wet, J.E. Blacher, P.J. Mouginis-Mark, S. Self, J.R. Zimbelman, W.B. Garry, P.L. Whelley, and L.S. Crumpler (2020), Lava rise plateaus and inflation pits in the McCartys lava flow-field, New Mexico: An analog for pāhoehoe-like lava flows on planetary surfaces, J. Geophys. Res. Planets 125, e2019JE005975 (cover image).
[21] Johnson, B.C., M.M. Sori, and A.J. Evans (2020), Ferrovolcanism on metal worlds and the origin of pallasites, Nature Astronomy 4, 41–44.
[20] Sori, M.M, J. Bapst, P. Becerra, and S. Byrne (2019), Islands of ice on Mars and Pluto, J. Geophys. Res. Planets 124, 2522–2542.
[19] Bland, M.T., D.L. Buczkowski, H.G. Sizemore, A.I. Ermakov, S.D. King, M.M. Sori, C.A. Raymond, J.C. Castillo-Rogez, and C.T. Russell (2019), Dome formation on Ceres by solid-state flow analogous to terrestrial salt tectonics, Nature Geoscience 12, 797–801.
[18] Becerra, P., M.M. Sori, N. Thomas, A. Pommerol, S.S. Sutton, S. Tulyakov, E. Simioni, and G. Cremonese (2019), Timescales of the climate record in the south polar ice cap of Mars, Geophys. Res. Lett. 46, 7268–7277 (cover image).
[17] Sori, M.M.* and A.M. Bramson* (2019), Water on Mars, with a grain of salt: Local heat anomalies are required for basal melting of ice at the south pole today, Geophysical Research Letters 46, 1222–1231 (*Both authors contributed equally).
[16] Sizemore, H.G., B.E. Schmidt, D.A. Buczkowski, M.M. Sori, J.C. Castillo-Rogez, D.C. Berman, C. Ahrens, H.T. Chilton, K.H.G. Hughson, K. Duarte, K.A. Otto, M.T. Bland, A. Neesemann, J.E.C. Scully, D.A. Crown, S.C. Mest, D.A. Williams, T. Platz, P. Schenk, M.E. Landis, S. Marchi, N. Schorghofer, L.C. Quick, T.H. Prettyman, M.C. De Sanctis, A. Nass, G. Thangjam, A. Nathues, C.T. Russell, and C.A. Raymond (2019), A global inventory of ice-related morphological features on dwarf planet Ceres: Implications for the evolution and current state of the cryosphere, J. Geophys. Res. Planets 124, 1650–1689.
[15] Ruesch, O., L.C. Quick, M.E. Landis, M.M. Sori, O. Cadek, P. Brož, K.A. Otto, M.T. Bland, S. Byrne, J.C. Castillo-Rogez, H. Hiesinger, R. Jaumann, K. Krohn, L.A. McFadden, A. Nathues, A. Neesemann, F. Preusker, T. Roatsch, P.M. Schenk, J.E.C. Scully, M.V. Sykes, D.A. Williams, C.A. Raymond, and C.T. Russell (2019), Bright carbonate surfaces on Ceres as remnants of salt-rich water fountains, Icarus 320, 39–48.
[14] Sori, M.M., H.G. Sizemore, S. Byrne, A.M. Bramson, M.T. Bland, N.T. Stein, and C.T. Russell (2018), Cryovolcanic rates on Ceres revealed by topography, Nature Astronomy 2, 946–950. Featured in Nature Astronomy News & Views.
[13] Hamilton, C.W., P.J. Mouginis-Mark, M.M. Sori, S.P. Scheidt, and A.M. Bramson (2018), Episodes of aqueous flooding and volcanism from geologically recent outflow channels on Mars, J. Geophys. Res. Planets 123, 1484–1510.
[12] Sori, M.M. (2018), A thin, dense crust for Mercury, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 489, 92–99.
[11] Sori, M.M., P.B. James, B.C. Johnson, J.M. Soderblom, S.C. Solomon, M.A. Wieczorek, and M.T. Zuber (2018), Isostatic compensation of the lunar highlands, J. Geophys. Res. Planets 123, 646–665.
[10] Sori, M.M., J.N. Bapst, A.M. Bramson, S. Byrne, and M.E. Landis, A Wunda-full world? Carbon dioxide ice deposits on Umbriel and other Uranian Moons (2017), Icarus 290, 1–13.
[9] Sori, M.M., S. Byrne, M.T. Bland, A.M. Bramson, A.I. Ermakov, C.W. Hamilton, K.A. Otto, O. Ruesch, and C.T. Russell (2017), The vanishing cryovolcanoes of Ceres, Geophysical Research Letters 44, 1243–1250.
[8] Becerra, P., M.M. Sori, and S. Byrne (2017), Signals of astronomical forcing in the exposure topography of Mars’ north polar layered deposits, Geophysical Research Letters 44, 62–70.
[7] Smith, D.E., M.T. Zuber, G.A. Neumann, E. Mazarico, F.G. Lemoine, J.W. Head, P.G. Lucey, O. Aharonson, M.S. Robinson, X. Sun, M.H. Torrence, M.K. Barker, J. Oberst, T.C. Duxbury, D. Mao, O.S. Barnouin, K. Jha, D.D. Rowlands, S. Goossens, D. Baker, S. Bauer, P. Gläser, M. Lemelin, M. Rosenburg, M.M. Sori, J. Whitten, and T. Mcclanahan (2017), Summary of the results from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter after seven years in lunar orbit, Icarus 283, 70–91.
[6] Becerra, P., S. Byrne, M.M. Sori, S. Sutton, and K.E. Herkenhoff (2016), Stratigraphy of the north polar layered deposits of Mars using high-resolution topography, J. Geophys Res. Planets 121, 1445–1471.
[5] Sori, M.M., M.T. Zuber, J.W. Head, and W.S. Kiefer (2016), Gravitational search for cryptovolcanism on the Moon: Evidence for large volumes of early igneous activity, Icarus 273, 284–295.
[4] Sori, M.M., S. Byrne, C.W. Hamilton, and M.E. Landis (2016), Viscous flow rates of icy topography on the North Polar Layered Deposits of Mars, Geophysical Research Letters 43, 541–549.
[3] Neumann, G.A., M.T. Zuber, D.E. Smith, M.A. Wieczorek, J.W. Head, D.M.H. Baker, S.C. Solomon, D.E. Smith, F.G. Lemoine, E. Mazarico, T.J. Sabaka, S. Goossens, H.J. Melosh, R.J. Phillips, S.W. Asmar, A.S. Konopliv, J.G. Williams, M.M. Sori, J.M. Soderblom, K. Miljkovic, J.C. Andrews-Hanna, F. Nimmo, and W.S. Kiefer (2015), Lunar Impact Basins Revealed by Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory Measurements, Science Advances 1.
[2] Soderblom J.M., A.J. Evans, B.C. Johnson, H.J. Melosh, K. Miljkovic, R.J. Phillips, J.C. Andrews-Hanna, C.J. Bierson, J.W. Head, C. Milbury, G.A. Neumann, F. Nimmo, D.E. Smith, S.C. Solomon, M.M. Sori, M.A. Wieczorek, and M.T. Zuber (2015), The fractured Moon: Production and saturation of porosity in the lunar highlands from impact cratering, Geophysical Research Letters 42, 6939–6944.
[1] Sori, M.M., J.T. Perron, P. Huybers, and O. Aharonson (2014), A procedure for testing the significance of orbital tuning of the Martian polar layered deposits, Icarus 235, 136–146.
Other Publications
[19] M.M. Sori (2023), Unwrapping Uranus and its icy secrets: What NASA would learn from a mission to a wild world, The Conversation.
[18] Mars Concurrent Exploration Science Analysis Group (2023), Mars Concurrent Exploration Science Analysis Group (MCE-SAG) final report, co-chairs: M. Mischna and B. Horgan, 94pp, posted by the Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group.
[17] M.M. Sori, J.T. Keane, and A.I. Ermakov (2023), Next-generation planetary geodesy, Keck Institute for Space Studies, Final report, Pasadena, CA.
[16] Sori, M.M. (2023), Jupiter's moons hide giant subsurface oceans – two upcoming missions are sending spacecraft to see if these moons could support life, The Conversation.
[15] Sori, M.M. (2023), Ice mounds on Mars are a vault of the planet's climate history, International Association for Geomorphology Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month.
[14] Mars Ice Core Working Group (2021), First ice cores from Mars, co-chairs: M.R. Albert and M. Koutnik, 77pp. white paper.
[13] James, P., A. Ermakov, and M.M. Sori (2020), Requirements for gravity measurements on the anticipated Artemis III mission, arxiv Astrophysics: Instrumentation and methods for astrophysics.
[12] James, P., A. Ermakov, J. Keane, M. Wieczorek, M.M. Sori, B. Johnson, S. Goossens, A. Evans, B. Bills, S. Chiow, M. Ding, F. Nimmo, R. Sood, S. Gulick, C. Beghein, and C. Johnson (2020), The value of surface-based gravity and gravity gradient measurements at the Moon’s south pole with Artemis III, Artemis
Science Definition white paper.
[11] Sori, M.M., A.I. Ermakov, J.T. Keane, et al. (2020), Transformative science unlocked by future geodetic data at Mars, Venus, and Ocean Worlds, Decadal survey on planetary science and astrobiology 2023–2032 white paper.
[10] Cartwright, R.J., et al. (2020), The science case for spacecraft exploration of the Uranian satellites, Decadal survey on planetary science and astrobiology 2023–2032 white paper.
[9] Becerra, P., et al. (2020), The importance of the climate record in the Martian polar layered deposits, Decadal survey on planetary science and astrobiology 2023–2032 white paper.
[8] Smith, I.B., et al. (2020), A case for Mars Polar Science in the Solar System, Decadal survey on planetary science and astrobiology 2023–2032 white paper.
[7] Craft, K., et al. (2020), The importance of cryovolcanism in transporting subsurface material towards/to the surface, Decadal survey on planetary science and astrobiology 2023–2032 white paper.
[6] Castillo-Rogez, J.C., et al. (2020), Science motivations for the future exploration of Ceres, Decadal survey on planetary science and astrobiology 2023–2032 white paper.
[5] Sori, M.M. (2018), Ice volcanoes in the asteroid belt, Nature Astronomy “Behind the paper” series.
[4] Sori, M.M. and A.J. Brown (2018), Introduction: The 6th special issue of Mars Polar Science, Icarus 308, 1.
[3] Sori, M.M. (2017), A Wunda-full world? Carbon dioxide ice deposits on Umbriel and other moons of Uranus, International Association for Geomorphology Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month.
[2] Sori, M.M. (2014), Judging a planet by its cover: Insight into lunar crustal structure and martian climate history from surface features, Ph.D. thesis, MIT.
[1] Sori, M.M. (2008), Study and characterization of a gamma ray imaging system, Undergraduate senior thesis, Duke University.